Body N Soul Yoga
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Purchase A Pass

Thank you for continuing to support local business.

For casual class purchases and for visitors, please feel free to use your Credit Card via Stripe for a straightforward process.

If  you are a regular that purchases 10 class passes or an unlimited pass, please pay via direct debit (this helps reduce fees via the Stripe platform.
ACC name - Tracey Bienek
BSB - 313140
ACC - 1233 4871

The studio timetable on the website is always current. Please arrive 5 minutes before class starts out of respect for instructors and fellow yogis. 

Class start at 6pm and the door will be locked promptly, 5 min before class starts.

A$140Unlimited Yoga Month
A$357 day Unlimited Yoga
A$20Casual Class
A$17510 Class Pass
A$2590 min Feature Class Pass
A$402 Feature Class Pass
A$18Yoga Strap 2024
A$10Chair Yoga - Casual Class
A$40Chair Yoga x 5
A$75Chair Yoga x 10